The Basics

The basics of working here are simple:

  1. Show up on time.
  2. Use Slack.
  3. Stay your whole shift, in the Studio.
  4. When in doubt, communicate.
  5. Ask for help.
  6. Use the Media Studio Guide.

1 - Show Up on Time

This is your top priority. If you are going to be late, see #4. The Media Studio needs consistent supervision, so if your shift starts at 10am, be there by 10am or let somebody know, so that they can supervise the studio until you get there. It is much, much, much better to let others know you are going to be late than it is to let the studio remain unsupervised.

2 - Use Slack

Slack is how we communicate with each other. It is how we receive support chats. You need it open on your computer while you're on your shift. When you're not on your shift, you can set Slack to "Do Not Disturb" mode. There is even a way to do this automatically based on a schedule so that you don't even have to think about it. Get thee to Google to find out how!

3 - Stay Your Whole Shift, in the Room

Same as #1, you need to stay for your whole shift. Again, consistent supervision, etc. If you need to leave early, see #4 and #5.

If you just want to step out for five minutes to get some sun or fresh air, be sure to take a device with you that is connected to Slack. If something comes up and you need to take a longer break, see #4 and #5.

4 - When in Doubt, Communicate

Are you going to be late? Do you need to leave early? Do you need to make an important phone call? Get lunch? Take a break? Run a lap around the lawn? Scream into the void for ten minutes? Great! Just be sure to let somebody know via Slack. We're happy to cover for you, but we need to know you'll be gone.

NOTE Unless you urgently need to leave, wait until you hear a reply before you do so.

5 - Ask for Help

Don't know how to un-Ken-Burns photos in iMovie? Not sure where we keep the video cameras that capture reflected light and peoples' souls? Overwhelmed by a sudden flood of zombies exhausted, overworked students? Ask for help! You are not alone even when you are alone in the room. We are all happy to help. It is much, much, much better to ask for help than to leave a long queue of users waiting, or to become overwhelmed and snap at a zombie tired, frazzled student.

6 - Use the Media Studio Guide (and Contribute to It!)

The Media Studio Guide is located here.

This is a growing document on how to do all major tasks in the Media and Maker Studios. You do not have to contribute to this guide, but we welcome your help if you are interested.

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